Ode to four-posters and canopy beds.

I have always had a thing for four-posters and canopy beds.  Call it a princess syndrome, but I think it's more to do with the comfort of curling up in a small space, a room within a room, or maybe a tent.  There is someting so giddily secret and safe about it.  Here are some outstanding, sleek and lovely examples I found while trolling around the internets.

9 responses

Yeah isn't that tree bed by Shawn Lovell the most amazing thing ever?  It costs $15,000 USD.

I like the one with the curvy headboard extending over the bed.

I used to like four-poster beds, until I realized that I'll prob walk into them repeatedly with my two left feet.

the tree one is nice, but gives me the weird feeling that birds gonna fly by and drop some bombs on me during sleep.

I would totally get the half circle one.

Number 13 ...loved it :)

13 is really cute. btw, theo is cute, but i don't think he'll be able to handle my girl. = )

so weird that everyone likes 13 so much. it's probably my least favorite, I'm not sure why. Maybe because it's curvy.

it's a lucky number

My most favorite is 18 because that looks like the closest thing to camping that I will ever do :-D
5 is great just for the simplicity of it, and 13 for the uniqueness.

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