It's time for Design Thursdays: A hit for the fabric junkie.

Something I'm very sorry to have put aside for a few months as I focus on other things is sewing, a craft I took up this past spring.  I even got a refurbished sewing machine over the summer, one of the best ways I've ever spent $150.  (More about my philosophy on sewing later.)

Every time I went to Joann's  for the past few months--usually for tools and things, because their fabric is generally pretty sub-par--I found myself wandering to the upholstery section for furniture-grade fabrics.  I loved the extra-large bolts suspended on tall wooden racks, impossibly generous portions of fabric with the prices to match.  I was bewitched by the black-and-white toile they had, as well as this gorgeous black-and-white paisley Waverly fabric that I could see on a darling accent slipper chair, or maybe a tri-fold screen bordered in black, or even just used to upholster the walls of a small powder room.  Each time, though, the prohibitive price--$30/yard--kept me away.

A couple weeks ago though, I went into Joann's for a black Halloween wig (crazy cheap--just over $3), I wandered back there and saw that all the Waverly fabric was 50% off and there was only a small bit of the paisley left.  I tugged on the loose end and the whole thing came pouring off the rack--to the amusement of the friends who were with me.  Shrugging, I picked it up and took it over to the counter to have it measured.  

It came out to 3.25 yards--at $45 for that last scrap of fabric, I had to take it. The whole thing.  I have no idea what I'm actually going to do with it--knowing me, it will sit in my fabric box along with all the other fabrics I've been collecting, for the next couple years.  Oh well.  I don't think I made a mistake, because just looking at the sumptuous stuff makes me happy.

8 responses
i love the pattern! if i knew how to sew at all, i'd make a simple shift dress out of this.
It can also be a stylish loose-cover for the couch
Beautiful fabric!

FYI, you should sign up for Joann's mailing list. Their ads always come with a 40% off coupon on the back (not on the online versions). The catch is that you have to regularly take the ads to the store to get scanned or else they take you off the mailing list. Kind of annoying, but I guess it reduces random junk mail...

You are so right about JoAnn's fabric. I bought some upholstery fabric I loved YEARS ago in my stash just waiting. It is a toile in gold reds and greens and just last week I covered a wing back chair with it that I was going to get rid of anyways, so I figured why not try covering it? Turned out great! My philosophy on fabric is if you love it buy it, you will eventually use it.
hehehe! it's like i'm in a time machine. my mom started collecting fabric
when she was about your age (steph's, at least). she ended up with two
entire closets full after 25 years of watch out! =)
@Suzanne how about some pictures of the final result??

@Wendy man does fabric really last 25 years?  Shoot!  I'm doomed!
Yeah, fabric can last forever! Just don't be like my mom and try to dress
your teenage daughter in a rocking horse print that you never used while
she was young.
Te hee rocking horses.  That's um... kinda cute!