13 responses
I'm so sorry for your loss. This is a sweet photo.
oh steph i'm so sorry. my thoughts are with your family.
Beautiful photo. A wonderful memory of your grandmother. I'm sorry for your loss.
What a beautiful photo, Stephanie. Thanks for letting us see her essence. May your grandmother rest in peace.
Amazing photo Steph.
I*m sorry for your loss Stephanie, you will always keep the memoimories of your sweet Gramma. And this photo is very beatiful of your both. Bless you!
Condolences and Blessings to you, Stephanie. This is a lovely and touching photo of you and your Grandma.
Steph so sorry for your loss. May your Grandma rest in peace. May her love and warmth be with you forever. Be well. Thank you for sharing her beauty and grace. Thank you grandma for giving us Steph.
sweet sweet picture.
Thanks all for your kind thoughts and sympathy. She was a wonderful person who lived a long and full life and was surrounded by people who loved her dearly and took great care of her.
My condolences.
I'm very sorry for your loss. Wonderful, warm photo.
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