Home sweet California

One thing I love about California is how state law dictates that toilet seat protectors be available in every public restroom.  In other states, this seems to be a luxury reserved for the airports and a small handful of high-end hotels/restaurants. 

I don't know how you ladies (and guys?) in the rest of the country manage.  Do you lay down a bunch of toilet paper to sit on?  Do you just sort of hover over the seat and risk splashing/dribbling?  Do you (and yes, I've heard people admit to this) climb up onto the seat and squat on it, as if it were a squatty toilet in Asia?

This inquiring mind wants to know.
9 responses
haha, inquiring minds do want to know! i couldn't imagine having to stand on a toilet seat... skills right there.
Can't imagine going without those seat covers...ewww.
i just defecate right there on the floor. i don't even bother with the toilet.
dude that is just foul.

I live life dangerously...just sit on the toilet. I think we're all conditioned to be germ-phobic. There is probably more germs on our cutlery than on the toilet seat. It's just what we're seduced into believing is true...ie; 4 out of 5 scientists agree kind of crap (pun intended), but it all pretty much boils down to corporate gain...we learned to fear germs because Lysol insists that you will &*^(*&(*%$ ing die of the plague if you don't. What they don't tell you is that Lysol kills brain cells, kids at schools have been documented to have mental problems from desks cleaned with Lysol, and besides, the body needs a certain amount of interaction with germs so that the immune system can recall how to fight the germs. We are sanitizing ouselves into immuno deficiency. Let's not even get into how the pharmeceutical industry is drugging us to death.

Good idea to wash your hands though hey?

lol.  Like Garry likes to say, "I just don't understand this hyperclean society we live in."

toilet thoughts well thought
I guess I have fewer boundaries than other people, so I'll share my habits. =) My mom taught me to stand on the seat when I was little--this lasted through elementary school, I think. I'm now a hoverer, but I resort to a single layer of toilet paper lining if my business is going to take a while. Think of all the nasty diseases you can pick up from toilet seats! Ick!
BTW, I agree with Trisha's comment that being too clean is not a good thing either. I'll add to her rant on Lysol that we should also be staying away from anti-bacterial soaps and other things. I think I pick up my fair share of germs from riding public transportation every day, so I'll leave the toilet seat germs for the brave souls who are willing to just go for it.