7 responses
oh man, I do love strawberries & english muffins!!! looks delicious.
I am still working on homemade English muffins. Aren't they just perfect for breakfast!
OH You foodie <<you
Salivating up a storm just reading then bam,
faint wisps of turkey bacon "O-dour"...yum.
hhmm looks so good. Im hungary.
how 'bout vegan style? - Believe it or not, a pan-fried slice of tofu (press the water out pre-fry) is a great sub for an egg. Swears. Add some Smart Bacon and Gourmet Vegan cheese, and you got something there. I would add taters or greens on the sides too.
@steph Haha, as tasty as that sounds, I think I enjoy meat/dairy/eggs much too much! =)
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