Some may remember that I have a habit of putting together these yearly to-do lists. I also like to check in every season or so to evaluate my progress. Think of them as personal OKRs (for non-Googlers, that's Objectives and Key Results).
Based on my year-to-date performance, I get a BIG FAT F-. Luckily, there are five months left in the year, and I've learned to make decent ravioli, which means I may be able to attempt Grant Achatz's Black Truffle Explosion before the end of the year.
Also, I have some additions:
- Buy a new computer (and maybe a smartphone), finally
- Get texting enabled on my phone
- Attempt to make French macarons (preferably chocolate)
- Start a journal for work/personal development
- Use up the $20 credit that has been hanging around my account for months. This is more of a challenge than you'd think, because their inventory stinks.
- Do a serious editing of my closet by the end of summer
- Transfer to digital copy that play I produced in college and send it to all the cast/crew
- Asia: Japan (visit Asta-Pasta) OR Hong Kong and one other Chinese province I haven't been (Sichuan, Xinjiang, Tibet, Fujian)
- Domestic: New Mexico, DC area, New Orleans/Texas, NYC OR Hawaii.
- Local: LAKE TAHOE IN THE SUMMERTIME. And perhaps a local weekend camping trip.
- Bonus: Europe OR South America (Argentina/Brazil/Chile/Peru OR Spain/Italy/Turkey/Greece OR Costa Rica)
- Bonus: Winter Olympics in Vancouver!
Health & Wellness
- Seriously, sleep 7+ hours at least 3x/week.
- Do something active 1-2 times a week (join a class if I have to), and hike 1x/month.
- Strengthen my bum knee - 20 pounds (hey, baby steps).
- Invest.
Spiritual/Personal Growth
- Pray, early and often
- Give 10%.
- Attend a smallgroup at least 2x/month
- Cultivate charity, patience, serenity, and grace (in other words, stop talking and complaining so darn much)
- Find one regular, long-term, and meaningful volunteer activity (identify by February 2010)
- Read: The Far Pavilions, Malcolm X, Confederacy of Dunces, Bluebeard, The Master & Margarita, Dune (I'm listening to this one on audiobook now, but it's hard to follow)
- Watch: Brazil, The Orphic Trilogy, M, finish Buffy: Season 7 (I'm halfway through, but they are scary to watch by myself!), Chariots of Fire, Rocky
Personal Projects
- Write a script. Just for the heck of it.
- Write a short story.
- 3x the traffic on
- Do one of the following: more schooling OR a business plan.
- Complete 3 sewing projects: 1) a dress, 2) an obi-style belt, 3) existing alterations
- Cooking projects: 1) Grant Aschatz' Black Truffle Explosion, 2) Julia Child's Beouf Bourguignon, 3) one recipe from Tartine Bakery, 4) a good feijoada, 5) Swan Oyster Depot's crab louie salad, and 6) Thai egg and crab curry using the packet of curry chichiu brought back from Thailand.
- Do 1 'different' activity I've never done or haven't in a while (ex. taiko drumming, dance, ceramics, Doc Wong's driving clinic)