...and a violent afternoon.

In my continued vanity, I needed a pair of brown shoes to go with a skirt I was wearing today.  I decided on a pair of three-inch slingbacks that I hadn't worn in probably over a year.  They'd gone so long unworn I had to dust them before putting them on.  I was surprised at how comfy they were.

Coming back to my desk from a meeting on the second floor though, one of those three-inch heels slipped on the very slippery stairs at work and I fell.  I would have taken quite the tumble if I hadn't caught myself on the rail.  But not before stubbing my left toe quite violently against the stairs.  As I got up to hobble down the rest of the stairs, I realized my toe was throbbing, and when I looked down, I realized the toenail was ripped half off.  And that's when it started to gush all this blood, and I started freaking out.

The upside of the story is I realized just how caring and kind my lovely teammates are.  Justin helped calm me down--"Sure, the nail will die, but a new one will grow in," as if it weren't a big deal!--and got me bandages and antiseptic wipes.  Danielle got me ibuprofen, a bag of ice, and lunch, and offered to take me wherever I needed to go (the doctor's for instance).  Kate lent me her flip flops.  Diana got me water.  Amy offered to walk me to my car.  They--and quite a few others--were all very concerned and checked up on me multiple times.  I felt very loved and cared for!  And the campus ERT people came by and checked to make sure I hadn't injured anything else, and were also very nice.

8 responses
OUCH! Glad you're okay!
Yes, glad you're okay. I did physically cringe when seeing the pic, though.
be careful!!
I am sorry to hear you had such an awful fall, but it is comforting to know one is so well cared for and glad you are doing well.
feeling very cared for is kinda happy monent though, this still hurrrrts!
oh, nasty! i'm glad your knee survived the fall okay.
Oh, that photo make me shudder. I hope the pain has subsided a bit. Poor Steph :(
Ouch! Wow, worst part the injury,, best part your mates rallying to your call in hte face of such an injury.
Happy healing.