Made the Yelp weekly newsletter

...for my review of the local taco truck!

"¡Hola, yelperitos! Tomorrow is Mexican Independence Day, and what better way to celebrate than by downing some cerveza, agua fresca y tacos deliciosos? Hard or soft, fishy or meaty, there are endless possibilities for your taste buds to be tantalized... so grab your finest sombrero for a tour of the tastiest tacos around. ¡Ándale!

If you're on the Peninsula, Stephanie L insists that you make a pit stop at Tacos Peralta in San Mateo and 'KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!).' She consistently gets 'at least one carnitas taco with hot sauce, onions and cheese, and it is always a taste experience.'" 

Read the entire Yelp Weekly Newsletter here!