Giant blueberries at Costco!

My mom bought these blueberries today.  Even though it is far from blueberry season, these were HUGE... larger than a dime, and sweet besides!

12 responses
Amazonian Blueberries!
I love the dime for perspective, you are very clever! Hope you had an awesome Christmas.
It's not blueberry season in the US, but it is in the southern hemisphere where your blueberries came from!
Haha you're right, they're from Chile!  So much for buying local =P
wow! those are huge! they look yummy though! =)
haha blueberries on 'roids. yum!
holy crap those are ginormous!
haha @give and go! they probably ARE on 'roids. =)
they look so huge and really nice:)
Those are huge. I don't remember them being so big in my hands. =P
frozen blueberry sorbet!
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